sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

The painful returns to smile

I want to focus on the pen tip, but I can’t. I try to write as a diary way but I forget to do that, so, in that way I have carried it with me for three years without fill it or replace it. I underline quotes that I will not read ever again because when it happens I do not find it important or brilliant. I get my clothes dirty because a lot of ice cream, soup and beans ... And that old habit of childhood to dry my hands behind my pants on the front of the shirt and sleeves. Also choose a glass floor and always use it, listen to the same songs heading to college, go across the same affection spaces: the painful return to smile. Also smell the same places, close the doors, windows and drawers before sleeping ... Cry for the same reasons, get burned in the same fingers while I’m cooking. Sleep late and write every day.

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